Gosport over 50 Club

Gosport Masonic Hall

Welcome to the Gosport Banter Club…………….. Thank you for your visiting us…

The BANTER Club at Gosport Masonic Hall

Did you know that throughout the Province of Hampshire and Isle of Wight, there are 11 Amity Groups and that Gosport is fortunate to host one -The Banter Club established January 2009. So, what is amity? put simply, means friendly relations.

The Banter Club is primarily open to all from the 55/60 and above age group, semi-retired or retired with any masonic connection, male or female, widows of masons, dependants etc. that live in Gosport, or the surrounding area and you can even bring a friend along.
We meet from 10.30am to 12 noon every first and third Thursday (except July and August) and offer a wide range of activities, regular speakers and a raffle, but always guarantee a warm welcome, cup of tea or coffee and biscuits. We also try to arrange from time to time, outings, theatre trips, lunches and other social events.
The Hall is wheelchair accessible and has a public car park adjacent. The Club aims to provide a friendly social hub, where you can
meet up with friends and make new ones. Please don’t sit at home by yourself, come along and see what we are about, if you would like any further information or arrange for someone to meet and greet you on your first visit, then please phone
David Andrews
07806 430279

Or email chairman@gosportbanterclub.co.uk

Gosport Banter Club

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